Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tut groups.

Seems to be some problems with the tut times.  Will fix this pm. Mike

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tutorial Times.

Please find your allocated tutorial below. Tuts start on Tuesday.
NB Sumaya cannot make tuts this Thursday and has requested that her Thursday tutorials for Thursday 3rd March Run on Wednesday the 2nd. The 9h00 Tutorial will run from 14h15 to 15h15 and the 10h30 tutorial will run from 15h30 to 16h30.

If you are not listed please contact me on

Mike G

0702250J Monday 8h30-10h00
322008 Monday 8h30-10h00
325653 Monday 8h30-10h00
322954 Monday 8h30-10h00
305185 Monday 8h30-10h00
8703752V Monday 8h30-10h00
315064 Monday 8h30-10h00
309707 Monday 8h30-10h00
0702741J Monday 8h30-10h00
322233 Monday 8h30-10h00
0706177Y Monday 8h30-10h00
301932 Monday 8h30-10h00
0711773E Monday 8h30-10h00
308581 Monday 8h30-10h00
8900321Y Monday 8h30-10h00
0602744N Monday 8h30-10h00
589480 Monday 8h30-10h00
0715322D Monday 8h30-10h00
302127 Thursday 10h30-12h00
304893 Thursday 10h30-12h00
319673 Thursday 10h30-12h00
317288 Thursday 10h30-12h00
306958 Thursday 10h30-12h00
0705881J Thursday 10h30-12h00
583890 Thursday 10h30-12h00
0710528H Thursday 10h30-12h00
0706807H Thursday 10h30-12h00
0601815Y Thursday 10h30-12h00
0612352T Thursday 10h30-12h00
0715653J Thursday 10h30-12h00
0710333T Thursday 10h30-12h00
322186 Thursday 10h30-12h00
323813 Thursday 10h30-12h00
0712668G Thursday 10h30-12h00
323556 Thursday 10h30-12h00
587336 Thursday 10h30-12h00
322284 Thursday 10h30-12h00
587361 Thursday 10h30-12h00
0711773E Thursday 9h00-10h30
305241 Thursday 9h00-10h30
9007412E Thursday 9h00-10h30
307073 Thursday 9h00-10h30
320365 Thursday 9h00-10h30
0707138X Thursday 9h00-10h30
301287 Thursday 9h00-10h30
335150 Thursday 9h00-10h30
540527 Thursday 9h00-10h30
9504514G Thursday 9h00-10h30
308433 Thursday 9h00-10h30
303646 Thursday 9h00-10h30
0706290G Thursday 9h00-10h30
306830 Thursday 9h00-10h30
305821 Thursday 9h00-10h30
517098 Thursday 9h00-10h30
303428 Thursday 9h00-10h30
0708406F Thursday 9h00-10h30
321016 Thursday 9h00-10h30
0708261R Thursday 9h00-10h30
310405 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
322014 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
308663 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
312918 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
339769 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
0701536F Tuesday 8h30-10h00
0711757K Tuesday 8h30-10h00
563344 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
0708307N Tuesday 8h30-10h00
335117 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
320162 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
0710988M Tuesday 8h30-10h00
304632 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
306405 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
306009 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
38614 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
0607811F Tuesday 8h30-10h00
565582 Tuesday 8h30-10h00
528867 Tuesday 8h30-10h00

Preparation & Readings for Lecture 2 on Wednesday 2 March

In preparation for Lecture 2 on Wednesday 2 March, you need to access, download and read the following two articles:

Article A by Thomas & Millar (2008) in Current Psychology:

Article B by Havas et al (2010) in Psychological Science:

(Please note that these links should take you directly to the articles via the Library Login page. If you have any difficulty accessing the articles, please try (i) following the links from a computer on the Wits network (e.g. in the Library); and, failing that, (ii) send Michael P. an email, describing the problem you are encountering.)

Once you have read each of these articles, you need to answer the following questions about each of the studies reported:

1. Identify and name each of the variables under investigation.
2. For each of the variables identified in (1.), is it an Independent Variable (IV), Dependent Variable (DV), or some other kind of variable?
3. For each of the variables identified in (1.), decide whether the variable has been either measured or manipulated within the study.