Friday, August 12, 2011

Provisional Marks

Hi All, here are the provisional marks. Provisional means they have yet to been seen by the external examiner and as such are subject to change (in either direction.) We have requested the external examiner to address certain issues and as such there may well be changes to these marks.

If you have not passed and have not yet spoken to your course co-ordinator please do ASAP. It is important to understand that there are options and you need to discuss these.


Stud No PSYC4045 Exam RDAExam StatsExam Yearmark
38614 49 56 53 59 40
301287 75 72 72 72 80
301932 60 61 58 64 58
302127 73 70 60 79 77
303428 64 70 63 77 55
303646 77 78 75 81 77
304632 73 73 73 72 74
304893 70 71 75 66 68
305185 75 80 83 78 67
305241 68 70 60 81 64
305516 52 51 58 43 55
305821 61 55 61 50 69
306009 70 66 63 70 76
306405 80 79 90 68 82
306830 78 79 83 75 77
306958 74 75 71 79 74
307073 83 80 80 80.5 85
308433 80 84 80 89 75
308581 83 82 85 79 86
308663 81 80 84 76 83
309707 65 64 55 74 66
310405 63 64 65 62 62
312918 75 70 67 73 83
315064 74 73 73 72 75
317288 76 76 75 78 77
319673 67 67 67 68 68
320162 71 70 67 72 73
320365 58 48 57 40 73
321016 62 64 58 69 59
322008 65 63 66 60 69
322014 77 78 78 79 75
322186 70 68 64 71 74
322233 60 62 58 67 56
322284 78 81 85 77 75
322954 66 69 72 67 61
323556 50 45 43 48 58
323813 67 68 68 69 66
325653 56 63 55 70 47
335117 61 61 62 60 62
335150 64 68 76 60 60
339769 85 86 93 78 85
528867 79 73 70 75 89
540527 79 79 74 84 80
563344 86 85 90 80 89
565582 54 55 52 58 53
583890 77 79 77 82 75
587336 56 62 51 73 48
587361 37 35 44 26 40
589480 72 69 77 61 76
0601815Y 70 76 75 78 62
0602744N 60 66 65 68 51
0607811F 67 68 71 65 66
0612352T 62 57 78 37 69
0701536F 64 72 70 74 53
0702250J 68 72 77 66 63
0702741J 60 62 60 64 57
0705881J 62 57 58 57 69
0706177Y 67 65 73 58 70
0706290G 68 71 63 78 63
0706807H 65 61 74 49 71
0707138X 75 77 76 78 72
0708261R 70 72 68 77 66
0708307N 57 57 62 53 57
0708406F 58 67 65 70 44
0710333T 70 73 72 73 65
0710528H 75 76 74 77 73
0710988M 40 43 50 36 35
0711757K 73 74 75 73 73
0711773E 67 69 68 70 64
0712668G 71 69 65 73 74
0715322D 80 77 79 76 85
0715653J 51 39 61 18 68
8703752V 85 83 78 87 88
8900321Y 72 72 58 85 74

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